Saturday, November 21, 2020

My happy thing

 Sometimes it gets so boring here in the gallery.

Only one visitor today so far. I have figured out that no matter how much it is lit up on the inside, it does not appear to be open. So I ordered a tacky LED Open sign. Hopeful.

At least I have the river where I can go while still keeping an eye on the gallery. If I am stressed, I take my camera. That's a sure fire diversion that makes me happy. This is one from yesterday, taken right after the sun went behind the little island. I must have taken a hundred pictures of the same thing, but whatever . . .

Saturday, October 31, 2020


I wish I loved to paint. At least I have figured out a few reasons why I don't, but I won't bore anyone who happens to read this. 

This particular canvas has been painted over multiple times, and no top coat is ever good. It's name is Pot of Gold, at least until the next coat.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

a bluebird pair

When it's quiet in the gallery, sometimes I just go outside with my camera to see what I can find. I spotted a couple of birds on a branch, but I didn't know they were bluebirds until I zoomed in!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Gallery as of Today

The gallery opened on February 29 as a trial day. The weekend of March 13 was the official opening. Of course also on that weekend, we were hit with news of the novel coronavirus. After that it was basically closed until May when I began to reopen. In June I started keeping regular hours. Sometimes I would really like a break, but I dutifully forge on.

A well-known artist and his wife delivered paintings on Thursday. She said that in the past they had a gallery, and it was boring. I remember volunteering at a gallery a very long time ago and how quiet it was, and nobody came in. Sometimes my gallery is like that. Sometimes I am here all day, and not one soul comes in. Other days are interesting. The first two hours of today, more people came in than came in all week! And they were really interested in the art. Also I took a phone call from someone who is coming in Tuesday to buy a particular painting. I have had enough sales to be encouraged.

Today the gallery is as pretty as it has ever been. It all seems to have come together. It receives many sincere compliments. The artists are supportive, and I had rather be doing this than painting. They had rather be painting/making. We are working on dates and events for the Christmas season. 

Right now, someone else has come in. I try to piddle around as if I am busy when customers/visitors arrive. I am still learning to strike that middle ground. The whole mask thing has been awkward. It's hard to hear them, and I try to stay at least six feet away. I have always remembered people, but I must remember them by their mouths, since I do not easily remember them when they are masked. But again, I am forging on.

Monday, September 21, 2020

6x6 acrylic

 This is after my second zoom class in abstract painting. 

I like the colors, but it just me or does it look sensual? I think I will keep it, i.e.not paint over it. Its title will be 4 fruits.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

what I learned in zoom class today

So I decided to take a four day zoom class on abstract painting. It started today,  and the focus was on having a big block/shape of something. So I did what the teacher said, painted something like hers but with lighter colors and very little contrast. It seems that I am timid about contrast. Here it is. The stretched canvas substrate (24x30) had several layers of paint already.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

the gallery

I have about ten minutes before I have to leave, so I will write a few words.

If I am forced to hang out anywhere, I am glad it is at this pretty gallery. As a business? Meh ... as they say now. However July has been pretty good thanks to the sale of one big painting. I was overjoyed for the excellent artist, the happy buyer, and for me.
I need to do better with marketing on social media. I really hate Facebook, but I know it is necessary. Yesterday a friend posted to it for me.
This is one of my favorite paintings for now. It's little and inexpensive (considering) and it may end up with me.

Friday, May 8, 2020

where is the gallery?

This is the building. Gallery is bottom of the blue section. Twenty-seven apartments above.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

plastic paint

The Gallery has a very nice back room with a refrigerator, sink, base cabinets, storage racks, a printer, and enough tables for a small class. It also can be used as a studio. I brought in tubes of acrylic paint and some of the nice small, sturdy panels that Trip made and gessoed for me. Something to do during down time, like yesterday. I am not a trained or educated painter in any way, but sometimes it is fun to smear paint around, especially just two or three colors to see what can be done with them. So until I learn something, I will just smear away.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

next to do

I have been working on a website for the gallery. It may seem that I should pay a website designer to do it, but no. I wanted to do it myself. At my age, I have learned to make no apologies for me being me. It is so satisfying to learn something new, and I have been looking forward to doing the website since the gallery was just a twinkle in my eye. Of course, I am starting from scratch, knowing nothing, but as I learn and practice one thing at a time, it is beginning to come together. Another plus for doing it myself is I will have it like I want to present it to the public. Maybe that is called creative control? Sometimes it is hard to get an idea, a vision, across. It also feels like the icing on the cake, because a lot of the other work is drudgery. Labor. And business stuff that I know I have to do. So here goes.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

art is good for the soul and body

Copying words from a NYT article:
"Numerous studies have shown that art and music can help soothe chronic pain, stave off symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and accelerate brain development in young children."

  In addition, a longitudinal British study recently concluded that people who engage in the arts, even    minimally, live longer.

"Professor Steptoe said researchers theorize that people who expose themselves to the arts are likely to be more engaged in the world. We know that a sense of purpose in life is important,” he said. “Being involved and excited by the arts keeps and maintains your purpose in life.”

The study also noted that engaging in the arts can reduce loneliness, promote empathy and emotional intelligence, and keep people from becoming sedentary — all factors that contribute to a longer life."

Friday, March 20, 2020

a time of solitude

We are in the midst of the viral scare, and practically everything is shut down. I am one who likes to dig in and study so I can understand a situation, or a person, or whatever, but with this, I do not get the big picture. Therefore I am doing what I am told and being a good citizen.

My gallery is located in a park-like setting next to the river. Today is mild, the breeze is nice, and the air is clean. "They" have given me the option of closing or opening. I have a business to run, so I decided to let folks know by way of social media that I will be open today and tomorrow from 11 am to 5 pm. So here I am, and so far, nobody has shown up. Can't say that I blame them, but I thought also that it would be nice to give people a place to go. As for me, it is as easy to be here as at home.

Without people, the Roomba was free to roam about and clean the floor. Such a great invention! I had wanted one for a while. Who wouldn't? And when I saw them for $250 at Costco, I bit. The gallery has to be kept clean and pretty, and I didn't want to sweep everyday, so . . .

Around the oyster roaster, three men are sitting and talking. Their bikes are parked nearby. Generally when I am here, a lot of cars pass and slow down to look. Not so much today. However, there has been a good bit of interest in water+color, and I find that fun.

Friday, March 6, 2020

all in with the new place

So sad, but I had to leave Studio 15.

The Open Studios flag lured me into the Art Works in August 2013, when I was brand new in Wilmington, even before I moved into my house. Then I fell in love with the people there, or at least quickly developed a bond with them. It was such fun. A sweet space that took the place of the nursing units where I worked and forged friendships and swapped stories for almost three decades. Everything has a beginning and an end, and I knew I would have to leave someday. For the past three years, I was using it mostly to do art business, line up helpers for shows, etc. I felt a little guilty that I wasn't in there painting or being creative. Then June of 2019, I committed to opening a gallery about five miles away. I thought I could balance the two, but no I couldn't. I needed to be all in with the new gallery. Since I do like blogging and having stuff out there that I can find without rummaging through papers, I think I will use this to tell about what is going on with the new gallery. It will give me something to do in times of solitude. I must say that I am getting great feedback from everyone who comes in, and I am slowly learning how to do the business part, the biggest challenge.