Sunday, April 5, 2020

next to do

I have been working on a website for the gallery. It may seem that I should pay a website designer to do it, but no. I wanted to do it myself. At my age, I have learned to make no apologies for me being me. It is so satisfying to learn something new, and I have been looking forward to doing the website since the gallery was just a twinkle in my eye. Of course, I am starting from scratch, knowing nothing, but as I learn and practice one thing at a time, it is beginning to come together. Another plus for doing it myself is I will have it like I want to present it to the public. Maybe that is called creative control? Sometimes it is hard to get an idea, a vision, across. It also feels like the icing on the cake, because a lot of the other work is drudgery. Labor. And business stuff that I know I have to do. So here goes.