Friday, April 28, 2017

so . . .

After looking at the photo of the painting, I saw it needed some work. So today in the studio, I painted over the blue that was over the top and made some other little adjustments. Then I took another pic. I looked at it from all four ways and decided that upside down from the original version was best. Now it has a whole new look! I think I will rename it "Going Places." I am not crazy about it, but I guess I will keep it for now.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Today's painting.

It makes no sense, but it did force me to paint dark and light.
The main thing I have learned is that painting is like anything else. You just have to do it over and over and learn and experience. Repeat and repeat.
Kind of looks like a rooster and a road.
Maybe I will call it...why did the chicken cross the road.

Monday, April 24, 2017

workshop day 1

I signed up for a three-day abstract workshop about a month ago, and this was the first day.
Even though the sky was gray and the rain was pouring outside the huge windows of our downstairs room (dance studio), it was enjoyable. This pic is of the teacher demonstrating. I have my canvases ready for some serious work tomorrow! I hope one will be ok to put on this blog.