Saturday, January 30, 2016

Social Saturday

That is what Jenny, the girl on the left, calls it.
Since we are open to the public on Saturdays, we show up if we possibly can and have fun together.

Monday, January 4, 2016


A New Year's resolution last January was to paint something every day. That lasted until January 10!
This year I am resolving to do the same thing. But to make me a little more accountable, I have signed up on a big website to post one painting a day for the thirty days of January. So far my pix look ok in the half inch square allotted! At least I am getting the juices flowing.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

back at the ranch

It was good to get back to Saturday's Open Studios.
Here are some of us painting clay girls in Justine's studio today.
Justine is a clay artist whose work is sold all over the US, and now she is creating at the Art Works.
In a few weeks, she is going to have a special show, and lots of us were helping her get it going by painting/glazing some of her objets d'art. It was fun.