Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I will probably paint over it, but here goes.

So this is what happened. This canvas was already painted, mostly yellow, when I took it out to paint over. I did the top one. Then I painted over it and it became the second one from the top. Then I decided to make it vertical and paint over most of the darker colors with a gray. The gray (left) was too pink, so I made another gray to paint over some of it. Then I did a few other things. Being that I am a "glutton for punishment," I will go in a tidy it up a bit more. --- I titled it Wedding Flowers.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Watermelon water

One of the artists had this container of water with watermelon and basil in her studio for the Fourth Friday crowd.
It was pretty and refreshing.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


The studios are open to the public on Friday and Saturday. Last week I decided to make it fun again. Yesterday a nice guy came buy and was interested in this painting that I had titled Modern Art. He asked me to tell him about it, so I started with how my son had stretched the canvas and then went to talk about the specific shade of the dominant gray. Pretty soon he said he would take it. I was delighted someone saw some value in it! I liked it, too.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

mission accomplished

Today being Saturday I am expected to spend some time at the studios. I decided this day was going to be different, and that  I would actually bring paint and canvases and maybe paint, or even better, I would find a visitor who would like to paint. You see, a couple of years ago, I moved all my art supplies back home, and Alice moved in with me. She was my neighbor at the AW, and we were both considering leaving. For the past couple of years, I have gone there not to make art, but to recruit artists for whatever I needed them for, or to have a meeting space, but mostly I went to socialize. It kind of took the place of my work. This morning I figured I had enough of using it selfishly, and that I should do a good deed.
I put the easel in the hall for people to see, and I started painting. Pretty soon a family came by, and I asked the little girl if she would like to paint a picture. She did! I set up the supplies, put an apron on her, and then left her with her mother to oversee. The girl painted for about 45 minutes, and this is what she came away with. It made me feel good. And they were happy, too.