Wednesday, June 24, 2015

something is better than nothing

There isn't much going on at the un-airconditioned Studio 15 this week. Yesterday I picked up my toys (paints) and took them home, but have I used them? oh no. 
I did go to life drawing last night. I am always challenged by it. We have time limitations, but otherwise we have the freedom to portray the model anyway we like, any medium we like, and the artists are way above me in skill and know how. There is no learning if I am not around more accomplished people. Last night after the ten minute-and-a-half warm-up sketches, I used two mediums I had not really tried, gouache and oil pastels. This little pic is the head of the model in oil pastel. Pretty pathetic, I know, but I am trying to learn to show my work.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Coming along

It won't make its way into a zoology textbook, but the painting is coming along ok. Just a little more work, and then framing, and this sea creature will be ready for Ruby's wall. It is a 12x12 acrylic and on paper for acrylics. I am finding painting is fun and relaxing. 
Tonight I will be going to a critique at an art place I haven't been to. That should be fun and educational.