Sunday, September 12, 2021

A Hard Week

The sale of art in the gallery can leave an empty spot. New art arrives. Old art leaves. Walls become stale to a frequent visitor. These are just some of the reasons to rehang and reorganize the inventory approximately every three months. 

In the past I have paid someone to help, but this time I decided to do it myself. Trying to save a buck! It is really a complicated thing. It involves connecting the various art pieces in some way - angles, color, subject, frame or no frame, size, and then there is the light, natural and from above. What will the artists think?

Getting on the step stool to hammer in a nail way above my head and lifting a heavy painting and hanging it level aren’t easy for me to do. So I did a lot of singing and praying this week as I worked, and inch by inch, it is complete except for the final clean up. 

I did get a sense of accomplishment. And it looks pretty.